Poster Presentations
Visit our poster gallery and review our impressive collection of posters showcasing the research and applications of most interest to food composition data users and compilers. Read about the poster abstracts from the program booklet or simply select the poster by the category. All the information is available right at your fingertips.
Waste of Edible Food from a College Student Perspective - Connors
Nutrient Profiling of Products Marketed for Gut Health – Younger
Creation of a Ready-to-use-item Database to Improve Nutrition Labelling Program Efficiency - Kirkpatrick
Generation Process or Uruguay’s Food Composition Database and Ranking of Nutrients of Public Health Concert - Moliterno
Generation of Analytical Food Composition Data of Traditional Fruits and Vegetables in Costa Rica – Hidalgo
Seaweed Consumption and Colorectal Cancer Risk in a Multiethnic Cohort Population - Holmes
Growth of the Human Milk Composition Initiative in the US and Canadian Governments – Vargas
Nutrient Composition Comparison of Cow’s Milk with Plant Based Milk Alternatives – Hoffman-Pennesi