Abstract Submission: Abstracts must be submitted via the abstract submission form link above.
Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: January 31st, 2026
Abstract Requirements (English only abstracts are accepted at this time):
Length: Not more than 300 words
Content for all abstracts: Title, Author(s)--first and last names, credentials, and affiliation
Headings for Research abstracts: Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, Significance
Headings for Descriptive abstracts: Background, Objective, Description, Conclusion
Funding Disclosure (if applicable)
Presentation Preference: oral presentation or poster session
Contact information for corresponding author: Name, Organization, Email Address
Indication of 1 or 2 categories from below that best describes the abstract:
Microbe Composition of Foods (nutrient absorption, microbiome)
Sustainability & Environmental Impact (global warming, environmental impact of diet)
Dietary Supplements
Database Technology (software, information dissemination, linking databases)
Food Labeling and Front of Pack Labels (Canada and Singapore new FOP labeling, UK’s HFSS)
Ultra-Processed Foods
Agricultural Practices Impacting Nutrient Composition (vertical growing, impact on polyphenols, industry initiatives)
Macronutrients Changing the Landscape (plant based proteins, cell-based meats)
Nutrition Inequities (diversity, equity, inclusion, cultural foods, eating traditions)
Lifecycle Nutrition (special populations, human milk)
Nutrients Versus Toxicants (baby foods, infant rice cereals, microplastics, nitrates, fluoride)
Emerging Topics
Student/New Investigator Awards:
All awardees will receive a monetary award, certificate and recognition on the NNDC website. Criteria for new investigators is less than 5 years post-degree.
The NNDC Executive Committee will recognize up to 3 exemplary posters. Awardees (poster first author) will receive a monetary award of USD $150.
The NNDC Executive Committee will recognize up to 4 outstanding student oral presentations. There will be one winner and up to 3 runners-ups. The 1st place awardee will receive a monetary award of USD $1000 and up to 3 runners-ups will receive a monetary award of USD $150.
For program questions or more information, contact program@nutrientdataconf.org
Thank you for your interest in participating in NNDC!
See you in Washington D.C.!